K. Casey and C. Exton, "A Java 3D Implementation of a Geon Based Visualisation Tool for UML," PPPJ 2003, Kilkenny City, Ireland, 16-18 June, 2003.
I was googling to check if there has been any kind of implementation of Geon Theory. So, when I typed in 'goen' and 'implementation,' this paper popped up to my surprise. I was thinking this theory was too hard to be implemented.
But... it turned out that this paper is just about the implementation of a visualization tool based on geon theory... not implementation of geon theory, in that the geons and their relations are equivalent to ULM diagram, which is a visual language for modeling software designs.
Anyway, so far, to my knowledge, there has been no successful implementation of Geon Theory. If you know any implementation, plz let me know. :)
- H. Choi