M. Riesenhuber and T. Poggio,
"Models of Object Recognition,"
Nature Neurosciece Supplement, Vol. 3, November 2000. pp 1199-1204
It's a review paper about object recognition models.
Here is what I got from the paper.
"the distinction between identification and categorization is mostly semantic."
There are two kinds of models for object recognition.
1. view-based model: "objects are represented as collections of view- specific features"
It is something like ICA.
2. object-centered model: there is 3-D model of the object.
It's something like Geon theory.
They took "view-based model" in this paper.
Considering the speed of processing in the brain,
feedback model cannot be the prime model for object recognition.
It should be more like feedforward processing
where invariant properties can be obtained by hierarchical structure.
Making the connections between input image to higher level units as in Fig. 3,
the different tasks (categorization and identification) can be achieved by learning.