Uncertainty and Perception

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle says when we observe something, our observation disturbs it. (It sounds weird.) 

Neuroscientists say the object exists only while we are observing it. (It is also weird.) 

So~ what do you say? :) 

Apr. 09, 2008
- H. Choi

being on a manifold.

Descartes said, 'I think, therefore I am.'

How can we reach to 'therefore I am' from 'I think'. 
To present data points, we need data space. Likewise, in order to reach the
conclusion 'therefore I am' we need to find the space for the existence.
Moreover, the 'being' should have any relationship with the space as in set theory. 

Thinking is not enough to be 'being' without any relationship with space
(or at least with other data points which makes the relationship with space.)

A data point is in a data space and the manifold gives more meaning to it. 
Descartes said, 'I think, therefore I am,' but God said, 'I am who I am.'

Dec. 03, 2006
- H. Choi