a response to my review...

Dear reviewer,

This is just to inform you that the author of the above manuscript, for which you have provided a review, has asked us to convey their thanks for your valuable comments.

It's my pleasure. :)

Actually I have reviewed journal papers since 2006, but I've never got this kind of response.
It's so kind of the author and I hope the paper gets published soon.. :)

- H. Choi


AAAI 08 is almost over...we have one more day.... but it is a little disappointing...

First of all, the conference place is isolated from real Chicago... To get to the downtown, we have to take a bus and a train... it takes more than half an hour. Moreover, it is kind of dangerous around this place.
Second of all, the focus is different from my research interest... So i couldn't find any nice paper which I am interested in...
Third of all, the foods are not good... The snacks during coffee breaks are not good... and even reception foods look like just snacks.... not real food... (we had 3 reception... 2 of them were like just snacks). When it comes to food, IJCNN2004 in Budapest was perfect... I cannot forget it.
Last, but not least, there are not so many female students.... :(
One more thing, hotel does not have free internet... and everything is soooooo expensive here...

But the Chicago weather is fantastic... :) and I am having really good experiences...
Thank God... :)

- H. Choi

Lipschitz Global Optimization Algorithms

Dr. Sergeyev gave one interesting talk... check the below announcement.

Lipschitz constant can be used for function optimization. Curvature also can help...
According to Dr. Segeyev, his new method is much faster than DIRECT algorithm. But I don't buy it... because it seems like it depends on how the function looks...
Anyway, it was a really interesting seminar.

BTW, one other thing is he is not going to make his code publicly available... instead, he wants to sell it... :)
And, tomorrow morning, he is talking about a new computer machine which can handle infinite numbers, which sounds weirdly great. :)

Industrial & Systems Engineering Seminar

Yaroslav Sergeyev
Distinguished Professor
Dipartimento di Elettronica
Informatica e Sistemistica Universita della Calabria, Italy

3:00 p.m., Wednesday July 10, 2008
Room 203, Zachry

TITLE: "Lipschitz Global Optimization Algorithms"

Global optimization problems with multidimensional objective functions satisfying the Lipschitz condition over a hyperinterval with an unknown Lipschitz constant are considered. It is supposed that the objective function can be "black box", multiextremal, and non-differentiable. It is also assumed that evaluation of the objective function at a point is a time-consuming operation. Different techniques based on various adaptive partition strategies are analyzed. The main attention is dedicated to diagonal algorithms, since they have a number of attractive theoretical properties and have proved to be efficient in solving applied problems. In these algorithms, the search hyperinterval is adaptively partitioned into smaller hyperintervals and the objective function is evaluated only at two vertices corresponding to the main diagonal of the generated hyperintervals. It is demonstrated that the traditional diagonal partition strategies do not fulfill the requirements of computational efficiency because of executing many redundant evaluations of the objective function. A new adaptive diagonal partition strategy that allows one to avoid such computational redundancy is described. Some powerful multidimensional global optimization algorithms based on the new strategy are introduced. Results of extensive numerical experiments performed to test the methods proposed demonstrate their advantages with respect to diagonal algorithms in terms of both number of trials of the objective function and qualitative analysis of the search domain, which is characterized by the number of generated hyperintervals.

- H. Choi

Chicago Travel, AAAI 08

I am going to Chicago for a week from this Saturday. AAAI 08.
I have two papers to be published... (both will be available on my homepage
right after the conference)

Heeyoul Choi, Seungjin Choi and Yoonsuck Choe,
"Manifold Integration with Markov Random Walks,"
 in Proc. 23rd Association for the Advanced of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-08),
Chicago, Illinois, July 13-17, 2008.

Heeyoul Choi and Tracy Hammond,
"Sketch Recognition based on Manifold Learning,"
in Proc. 23rd Association for the Advanced of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-08),
Chicago, Illinois, July 13-17, 2008.

Both are about manifold learning, though the first one is about integration
which is kind of a new concept and the second one is an application of
kernel Isomap to sketch data set.

Thank you,
- H. Choi